AJUNI – Trademark, Copyright and Firm Registration Services
As soon as one starts taking steps to implement a business or product idea, such as incorporating, obtaining licenses, or securing production of a product, one should clearly identify which aspects of the business and products are protectable by trademark & copyright. Each of these types of intellectual property requires different procedures to protect them from unfair competition and copycats, which is why
it is important to consult a professional.
AJUNI always stands for the trademark & copyright’s benefits made available to every person or entity for any type of profession or products with prompt services. We made your trademark, copyright & business registration filing simple & convenient.
1. Trademark Registration
A Trademark is an important Intellectual property right. It identifies or distinguishes you from the others. Trademark can be a logo, design, shape, and combination of colors, combination of different shapes, goods, etc and its uniqueness differently shown in its design.
2. Copyright Registration
Copyright is one of the major intellectual property rights. It is a form of the intellectual property provide rights to creator over its literary and artistic works. A registered Copyright prevails throughout India.
3. Firm Registration
Start working on your business idea, we will incorporate your company. Clear your all registration doubts with our professionals. Our believe is “We focus on your legal matter, You focus on Sales matter”.
FOR ANY Trademark & Copyright Services ENQUIRY
Please write to us at
At AJUNI, we offer the outstanding service we’d like to experience ourselves! Let us know your requirements and we would get in touch with you soon.